Get A Library Card

Library Cards 

  • All Ohio residents are eligible for a free library card.
  • Children ages 3-17 must have their applications signed by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult, only if their own account is in good standing, who must show proper ID before a child’s card will be issued.
  • Must show two forms of identification with current name and address thereon, one being a photo-id, and pay any fines or fees incurred previously at this library or any library within the SEO consortium.
  • Patrons are responsible for notifying the library of any change to their name, address, phone number or email address. Any patron whose contact information is not current shall have their borrowing privileges suspended until the patron provides proof of current information. Patrons are responsible for all materials checked out on their cards.
  • Patrons are required to present their cards at the circulation desk for the most efficient service. Staff will check out material only to the person whose name appears on the library card.
  • A $1.00 fee will be charged for replacement of lost or damaged library cards.

*Digital Library Cards, that can be used with Libby, will be available soon*