Circulation Policy


Library Cards

  • All Ohio residents are eligible for a free library card.
  • Children ages 3-17 must have their applications signed by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult, only if their own account is in good standing, who must show proper ID before a child’s card will be issued.
  • Must show two forms of identification with current name and address thereon, one being a photo-id, and pay any fines or fees incurred previously at this library or any library within the SEO consortium.
  • Patrons are responsible for notifying the library of any change to their name, address, phone number or email address. Any patron whose contact information is not current shall have their borrowing privileges suspended until the patron provides proof of current information.
  • Patrons are responsible for all materials checked out on their cards.
  • Patrons are required to present their cards at the circulation desk for the most efficient service. Staff will check out material only to the person whose name appears on the library card.
  • A $1.00 fee will be charged for replacement of lost or damaged library cards.

Loan Periods and Item Limits

  • 21 Day Circulation: All materials except DVD’s and VHS videos/7 Day Circulation: DVD’s and VHS videos
  • Total Items out: 30 Total Items/Other local limits: 5 Music CD’s, 5 DVDs and/or VHS video (LIMIT OF 5 TOTAL)
  • It is the responsibility of the patron to check your date due slip.


  • All library materials except DVDs may be renewed twice (2 times) provided no other patrons are waiting for these materials. DVD’s may not be renewed but may be checked in and if no other patrons are waiting for that title, it may be borrowed again.
  • Materials may be renewed in person, via telephone, or by logging in to the patron account through the online card catalog via the library’s website.


  • If an item is not available, a reserve may be made at no charge by anyone with a valid New London Public Library card in good standing. Reserves can be requested in person, by telephone or via the online card catalog through the library’s website. Reserved items are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once the item becomes available, the patron who made the request will be notified via telephone, email or text message (patron’s choice) and the item will be held for seven (7) days. If the patron fails to retrieve the item within seven (7) days, the item will be released to the next person with a reserve. Reserves can be placed on any circulating item from any SEO Consortium library.

Individual Choice

  • The public library provides a wide variety of materials representing many points of views. Libraries contain or provide access to some printed and visual materials which you may find objectionable. We encourage parents to take an active role by helping their children select library materials.
  • It is not the library’s role to decide which ideas are appropriate for you or your family.

Damaged or Lost Materials

  • Cardholders are responsible for all borrowed materials; including fines and fees incurred for lost or damaged items. Parents/guardians/responsible adults are responsible for materials checked out on the cards of their minor children. Outstanding fines and fees owed on a minor child’s account can be collected prior to the responsible adult checking materials out on their own cards. If library material is returned damaged, the patron who had it checked out will be billed for repair/replacement costs. If an item is not returned by the date due, an overdue notice will be issued to the borrower and all borrowing privileges will be suspended until the item is returned. After thirty (30) days, if the item is not returned or renewed, it will be assumed lost and the borrower will receive a bill for the replacement cost of the item. Failure to make arrangements to pay for lost items may result in a patron’s account being turned over to collections. An additional $10 collections fee will be added to the patron’s account. Patrons may pay for any fines/fees with cash, personal check, or cashier’s check. Effective November 1, 2002, any bank fees associated with any returned checks written to the New London Public Library will be charged to the patron’s account and the Library will no longer accept personal checks from that patron. Any lost or damaged items will be charged full purchase price. No refunds shall be issued for lost items paid for and then “found.”
  • Fines/Fees over $5.00 may be paid via the patron’s personal library account utilizing PayPal; an online bill payment system that will accept credit or debit cards or direct electronic bank account payments. If a fee/fine is eligible for PayPal, a patron will see a PayPal link in their online library account in association with those fines/fees. Library staff cannot accept or process credit or debit cards. Any patron wishing to utilize an electronic payment must access their account through the online card catalog and make their own payments.
  • The New London Public Library does not charge fines for overdue items. However, a patron should renew eligible items to avoid materials being assumed lost. No additional items may be checked out on any library card when there are overdue items until such time as those items are returned or renewed. If items are not returned after repeated notices, items will be assumed lost and the library borrowing privileges of the card holder suspended until the items are returned or paid for. No refunds shall be issued for lost items paid for and then “found.”
  • Any patron who states that they will not return a library item in accordance to the circulation policy and conditions of the issuance of a library card from the New London Public Library shall be referred to the Director. The Director will file a report with the New London Police Department for a violation of Ohio Revised Code Chapter 2913 (Theft).