The meeting room is available for public gatherings of a non-profit, civic, cultural or educational nature.
The primary purpose of the meeting room is for library-related activities. The needs of the library for use of the meeting room will take precedence over requests by any outside group. The meeting room houses the library’s local history and genealogy collection and the GED test preparation computer. The needs of users of these collections must be balanced with the availability of the room for outside purposes.
When the meeting room is not being used for library activities, it is available for use by educational, cultural and civic groups from the community upon advanced application. Groups from within the New London village and township will be given preference over outside groups. The facilities are not available for commercial or political purposes or for the conduct of religious services.
Decisions on the use of the meeting room, rules, and charges are subject to review at any time by the Board of Library Trustees.
The meeting room is available during regular library hours only. No kitchen facilities are available. Limited food and beverage consumption is acceptable but restricted to the meeting room.
Tours of the library are available upon request. Please indicate your interest in a tour at the time of application, or see a library employee for more information.
Rules for the Use of the Meeting Room
- A responsible officer of the group wishing to use the facilities must make application on the form provided at least two weeks before the meeting date. Requests for the sue of equipment or other special arrangements must be made at the time of application. The individual signing the application will be responsible for the group’s adherence to the library rules, for payment of any charges, and for any damage to library property caused by group members.
- If arrangements are to be changed or cancelled, the library should be notified at least 48 hours before the meeting date.
- No admission may be charged to meetings held at the library and no sale of items to the general public may be held, except by permission of the Board to benefit the library.
- The room must be left in neat and orderly condition. If equipment is brought into the library, such equipment must be removed immediately after the meeting. The library will not provide storage for the property of organizations meeting in the library.
- If refreshments are served, waste must be deposited in containers provided by the library.
- Groups of children under age 18 must be sponsored by and attended by at least one adult who will assume responsibility for adherence to library rules.
- Meetings shall be conducted in such a manner as not to disturb the normal operation of the library.
- The library reserves the right to cancel any meeting in the event of an emergency or conflict of meeting times.
- The use of library facilities by a non-library group shall not be publicized in such a way as to imply library sponsorship of the group’s activities.
- No meetings may be scheduled outside of normal library hours.
- No group may use the meeting room more than once a month, except for library-related activities, without permission from the director.
- The meeting room may not be reserved more than six months in advance.