Unattended Children
The care and behavior of minor children visiting the New London Public Library is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. The library does not act in loco parentis. Library staff welcomes minor children to enjoy the library and library materials, but can not accept responsibility for their safety and supervision. To that end, the library has developed the following procedures to guide staff in dealing with unattended minors.
When a situation develops that warrant the attention of a minor's parents/guardian, but that individual is not present, the library will attempt to contact the parent/guardian. This will not necessarily be the case when a minor is asked to leave the library property for violating the policy for public behavior on library property. If unable to reach the parent/guardian, the library will contact the New London Police Department to report the presence of an unattended minor in the library. The police will be asked to pick up the minor for transport to the police department until the parent/guardian can be located.
Under no circumstances will library staff transport any minor in their personal car or library vehicle.
Library patrons who engage in unacceptable behavior, as defined in the policy for public behavior on library property, shall be subject to action as specified in that policy. Minors who are in chronic violation of the policy shall be required to be accompanied by a parent/guardian during library visits for a period to be determined by the Director.
An incident report form must be completed and submitted to the Library Director and a copy provided to the police or children's services office when appropriate.
Policy for Public Behavior on Library Property
The New London Library Board of Trustees strives to make available a facility that is clean and comfortable to support the varied needs of our patrons. To ensure a pleasant environment that is conducive to the needs of all library users, the Library Board has adopted the following Rules of Conduct. These rules apply to all library patrons while on library property.
Patrons in violation of these rules will be asked to discontinue the prohibited activity. If the patrons continues to engage in inappropriate behavior after being warned, they will be asked to leave the premises.
Patrons who intentionally and/or repeatedly violate the Rules of Conduct may be barred from returning to the library and have their library use privileges suspended. Such suspensions shall be progressive in nature - with the first suspension for one week; second for one month; third for six months; and fourth and subsequent for one year.
The New London Police Department will be contacted to deal with patrons who refuse to leave the facility or are suspected of engaging in criminal behavior. A violation of Ohio Revised Code 2911.21 (Criminal Trespass) will be considered if police are summoned. If police intervention is required, the patron shall be banned from the premises and have library privileges suspended as follows; first offense for 90 days; second offense for six months; third offense for one year and subsequent offenses permanently.
Suspensions may be appealed to the New London Library Board of Trustees through the Director.
Rules of Conduct (includes but limited to):
- Use of obscene, abusive, threatening or insulting language or intimidating or harassing patrons or staff in the library is prohibited.
- Conduct which is disruptive or dangerous or in any way interferes with the normal operations of the library or with the use and enjoyment of the library by other patrons is prohibited. (Examples include running, fighting, throwing anything, pushing, shoving, horseplay, making obscene gestures, banging on windows, climbing or walking on furniture, rearranging library furniture or materials, making excessive noise and being intoxicated).
- Bathing, washing clothes or shaving in the restrooms or bodily hygiene that could be considered offensive is prohibited. Shoes and shirts are required to be worn in the library. Any individual with mud, tar, manure or other substances on their shoes that might damage floors will be asked to leave.
- Begging, selling or soliciting on library property is prohibited.
- The library is a smoke-free, alcohol-free, drug-free and weapons-free facility.
- Eating and drinking are permitted only in designated areas and only when provided at a library sponsored event.
- Animals, with the exception of certified service animals, are prohibited.
- Removing without checking out on a valid library card, damaging or destroying library materials or property is prohbited. Intentional theft or damaging of materials will be considered criminal conduct and the New London Police will be notified.
- Children must be supervised by an adult. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their minor children while in the library. The library reserves the right to require that problem juvenile patrons are accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. (see also the Unattended Children policy).
- improper use of library computers is prohbited (see also Computer Use policy).
- The library reserves the right to limit the number of individuals who may sit together where ingress and egress are blocked.
- The Library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases, packs, personal listening equipment and overcoats for library materials.
- The use of electronic devices is permitted only if they are not audible to other patrons. Cell phones may be used for very short conversations only and only if they can be conducted without disturbing other patrons.
Questions about this policy or about actions the library has taken may be addressed to the Library Director or the Board of Trustees.
The above rules are based on powers granted to a public library Board of Trustees under the Ohio Revised Code, 3375.40 (H) and are available for inspection in the library building.