Internet and OPLIN Acceptable Use Policy
OPLIN (The Ohio Public Library Information Network) is a service funded by state tax dollars. OPLIN provides access to the Internet and to a variety of outstanding commercial databases for patron use in the Library. The state’s primary goal in providing this network is to offer Internet connectivity to all Ohioans through public libraries. The New London Public Library provides access to the OPLIN databases and the Internet as a library resource. While there is no access fee or other charge for this service, we do require that patrons adhere to the following Acceptable Use Policy.
Acceptable Use Policy For the Internet and Public Access Computers
Public use computers and access to the World Wide Web (Internet) are considered library resources. It is important for persons who use information sources on the Internet to be careful information consumers and question the validity of material supplied there. Because the information on the Internet is continually changing, the Library does not guarantee that this information is accurate, authoritative, factual, legal, or complete. Because of the volume of information available through the Internet and the fact that thousands of web sites are added daily, it is impossible for the Library to monitor the Internet, and it cannot be held responsible for its content. Just as the Library does not restrict access to the various kinds of print and audiovisual collections which it owns, it does not restrict access to the Internet. The Internet contains material in print and pictures which individuals may find objectionable. The Library affirms that parents and legal guardians are responsible for restricting information selected from the Internet by their children who are under eighteen years of age. The New London Public Library urges that parents advise their children while they use the Internet and develop rules for acceptable Internet use. The Internet contains materials which are not appropriate for viewing by minors, and careful instruction by parents or legal guardians is essential for their children. The Internet also provides access to communication tools which can facilitate conversations with strangers. This could cause harm to children, and parents and guardians are urged to warn their children about the dangers in disclosing personal information over the Internet. Parents and legal guardians are financially responsible for any damage to the Library’s computers both for the hardware and software which operates the computers and that which is directly accessible by Library patrons when that damage is caused by their children.
While the library strives to keep its equipment in sound working order, it does not guarantee that equipment will never fail. When these failures occur, the Library regrets any inconvenience the failure may cause. All users of this resource agree to hold the Library and OPLIN harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities directly or indirectly relating to the use of OPLIN and the Internet, caused by the failures or arising from them. In no event shall the Library or OPLIN have any liability for lost profits or for indirect special, punitive, or consequential damages or any liability to any third party, even if the Library or OPLIN is advised of the possibility of such damages.
Acceptable Use
It is considered acceptable use to share and retrieve information from the Internet or from OPLIN. Information may be retrieved and stored on floppy disk, CD-Rom, flash drive, or other personal media for later use in accordance with Federal copyright protection law. The library sells new disks at the circulation desk. The library is not responsible for any damage to personal disks or media.
Prohibited Use
The use of OPLIN and library computers to engage in any activity which constitutes violation of any local, state, federal, and/or international laws is strictly prohibited. Library customers may not use any non-OPLIN services that will cause degradation of OPLIN-provided services. The Library provides computer access for research and recreational use. While customers are free to access whatever Internet sites they wish, the Library must also be mindful and respectful of the rights of others not to be inadvertently exposed to materials and images they may find personally unsuitable. Therefore, the viewing of illegal, pornographic, obscene or objectionable materials on library computers is prohibited. Library staff reserves the exclusive right to determine if the text or image is displayed in such a way that other patrons cannot avoid viewing it in the course of carrying out their business in the library. Any patron observed to display illegal, pornographic, obscene or objectionable materials on any Library computer will be asked to immediate exit the web site, program, or file containing those images. Failure to immediate comply with such a request will result in ejection from the Library. Repeated violations of this policy by any user will result in the loss of Internet use privileges and may result in that violator being banned from Library property. Library computer users may not install or attempt to install any programs or personal software onto Library computers. Users may not delete, damage, modify or misuse any program or file provided on Library computers. Each computer user is required to respect the privacy and property of others by not misrepresenting himself or herself as another user; by not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords or data belonging to others; by not seeking unauthorized access to any computer system; or by not damaging or altering any software or hardware components of any computer, network or database. Persons who damage Library hardware or software will be held financially responsible for repair or replacement costs incurred by the Library to restore damaged hardware or software to its original condition.
Policy Change
The New London Public Library reserves the right to revise or otherwise modify this policy at any time.